2 New Hats In Today

Slowly …slowly….I am adding a few more hats this week.  My new camera does not seem to want to cooperate, and I just cannot get it to do what I want!    OK, its me, not the camera.  Once I figure it all out, I will get a lot more goodies in here for all of you to enjoy.  There was, however, one wonderful surprise this morning.  I opened up a Lilly Dache’ hat box that was way in the back shelves, and, Lo and Behold!…. hiding underneath my favorite Floral Dache was a fantastic pink chenille snood…vintage 1940s, WWII era, and by Lilly herself.  I have not seen this treasure in years, and had really almost forgotten about it (can you imagine that?)   I have to say, I really did not want to let this one go as I’ll  never see the likes of it again.  But I DID promise to sell some of the best from our collections, and with so many more hats laying about, well…..you know how that goes!    If I stopped and thought too much, I would have put it back in the hat box.  So, I made a snap decision to sell it, snapped a few photos and wrote a quick description and there it is….and you can see it now in the 1940’s category.    Check it out, and get a glimpse of the best of 1940’s snood style.  Enjoy!   Babette

Thursday, May 6, 2010
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